
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Taman manusia didasar lautan mexico

article-2220524-1595BBEB000005DC-277_964x641Seorang wanita menyelam beberapa meter ke bawah permukaan luar Cancun, Mexico untuk

meneroka beratus-ratus lelaki, wanita dan kanak-kanak yang "hidup" di atas tanah.

Buih kelihatan mengalir dari mulut wanita yang mendongak ke arah matahari

Alive: Captured just right, bubbles appear to flow from a woman's mouth who tilts her head back up to the sun

Taman Manusia: Semua karya seni dibuat dari jenis simen khas yang 10 kali lebih kuat daripada biasa dan mempunyai PH neutral menjadikan ia sesuai kepada pembetukan batu karang

Human garden: All of the artwork is made from a special type of cement that is 10 times harder than normal and has a neutral PH making it favourable to corals which will gradually grow and cover

Kepala lelaki-lelaki ini dikebumikan di pasir bertujuan untuk menunjukkan penafian mereka kepada krisis ekonomi, manakala kaki mereka yang terbuka berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk ikan dan hidupan liar lain menyembunyikan diri

The bankers: Suited men with their heads buried in the sand are meant to show their denial of economic crisis, while the artist also says their open legs serves as a place for fish and other wildlife to grow and hide

Seorang model wanita disamping sculpture beliau

Model: A woman on the left is seen before posing for her molding with its end product appearing center and later, over time, on the far right

Seorang model lelaki disamping sculpture beliau

Selection: This man was also chosen as a model, with the artist saying he made his selection by people's cheek bones and facial lines

Habitat baru kehidupan laut

man decorated in plants

Woman seen decorated in neon coral

A once-human resembling face now appears spiked and brightly coloured by all the small plants using it as their newly claimed habitat

Kehadiran sebuah rumah yang lengkap dengan chimney dan tingkap

Open home: A structure resembling a house, complete with roof shingles, windows and a chimney, is seen waiting new residents of both plants and fish

Set meja makan untuk kehidupan laut

Set and ready: A table set with a bowl of grenades and fruit rests ready for diners which are expected to soon be tiny plants and animals using it as shelter

Sebuah Volkswagen Beetle dilihat pada dasar lautan dengan badan manusia terdampar diatas kaca juga menyediakan sebuah rumah yang mesra alam

Eco-friendly drive: A Volkswagen Beetle is seen on the ocean's floor with the body of a human curled on its windshield in what too will provide an eco-friendly home to the otherwise barren floor


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